If you are anything like me (chances are low but just in case if you’re a human at least), you’ve found yourself on this urge to reply people, be in on DM, social media or the like. It drives me insane because nowadays it seems that all the time is the necessary time to answer other people.
Are they doing their own stuff on the restroom or their bedrooms with spouse or the like? Are they alive? Have they survived even another day? Oh geez, I haven’t heard from them in like 43 seconds, something must be worng… Of course, this is an underestimation, but maybe there are a few people that consider things like these, to a certain extent, and then you cannot even for the slightest of time, do your own things.
Now it seems that with the perks of being always online and always reacheable by other people there also comes a burden that we’ll have to always be there. But then in the end, do we have such obligations? Now, don’t get me wrong, if there’s any kind of emergency or the like, people will call. But there seems to be these perks of blue-read-marks that appear on messages that denounce you whenever you have “read” someone’s other messages. But did we really? Just because I read something, does that oblige me to respond right away? Would that denounce a certain disinterest on my part? Or maybe I am troubled doing other stuff in the meanwhile? Do we always have to be on the top priority watchlist of everyone else? Or can we at least give some spare-room to them, as well as us, to think before we act?
Unfortunately it seems that we are always being consumed by the need of attention, as some have said, the economy of attention. Not just the attention span, but also the willingness to respond to others interatcions. But then again, how could we better cope with such nuisances such as these? Where we feel the necessity of being there but at the same time there’s no real urgency in it? Maybe, I guess, the urgency is in the instilling of our egos that want to constantly be fed with reassurances that we are anyhow important for another and therefore on their top-priority list. Truth is, most of the time, we aren’t and even if we are not, it does not mean that are not being cared for or have some importance to them to say the least.
Or do we?
Such things always keep me guessing… But then such is more a fault of my own perceptions rather than of those people. I should have, at least, some kind of importance to my own, first.