Is there such a thing as happiness on demand?
Just now I was watching this Youtube video entitled: “You Will Never Own Anything (But You’ll Pay Forever)” by Moon. It talks about how Gen-Z in particular got to the point where most are struggling to pay off all their subscriptions, while enrolling in debt and not keeping any of it, not owning anything.
Then, just right at the end of the video it said something alone the lines: “Everything is there on demand, it’s all accessible.” And that suddenly got me thingking of the title of this small rant: “Is there such a thing as happiness on demand”?
Because we all seem to consume so much of our entertainment, and foodies, ingesting calories while releasing hormones and neurotransmitters and the like, in order to momentarily make us feel “good”, whilst in the end it fades just as quickly. At such times, is there such a thing as happiness on demand, due to the services we consume, while rather previously it would be from the things that we bought? Seems to me that a certain aspect of this is tied to just the fleeting feeling of trying to avoid to deal with the harsh realities of our mundaine everyday lives. How so?
We try to experience such an escape from feeling awful or tired, or with too many things on our heads and anxious all the time, but does that make the contrary of it inherently “happiness”, in any way? Or just a form of scape-goating in order to sacrifice our need for something that makes us feel less awful while repackaging it as a nicety of appearing “pleaseant” or “happy” in any case?
There may be such services at hand and at our disposal nowadays, but does any of that bring us really any kind of fulfillment, besides an exhasperation to espace somewhere, someplace, mentally or physically, which we would rather not be? In such a context would any of this be possible to be called “happiness” or, conversely, even paradoxically, a prison of sorts? Where we are encaging ourselves in safety-nets in order not to feel the dragging nasties which many of us must endure on a daily basis?
I have none of the answers for those questions and as it seems, yeah, I am just making matters more complex than they ought to be, I believe, but again, these are just some random thoughts at the moment.