Writing n' Rally Pt. 1

There are two things I am particularly passionate about, one being writing and the other one being rally (if you couldn’t tell by the title of this post already). Maybe people have the perception that writing is like writing in Nascar or Formula 1, where you need to flatout the accelerator and just go as fast as you can. Need to write that, no matter what, or the word count is important, the number of pages or whatever.

Schrodinger's Interactions

As I was talking with a friend of mine, I observed a peculiarity in our modern day-to-day interactions which is this: It seems that we are living in a certain time where our interactions are like that of a Schrodinger’s Cat. How so? You might ask… Well, the way I perceived this was the following: seems like today we never really know how a certain interaction with other people will go.

Unfortunate Immediatism

If you are anything like me (chances are low but just in case if you’re a human at least), you’ve found yourself on this urge to reply people, be in on DM, social media or the like. It drives me insane because nowadays it seems that all the time is the necessary time to answer other people. Are they doing their own stuff on the restroom or their bedrooms with spouse or the like?

Happiness on Demand

Is there such a thing as happiness on demand? Just now I was watching this Youtube video entitled: “You Will Never Own Anything (But You’ll Pay Forever)” by Moon. It talks about how Gen-Z in particular got to the point where most are struggling to pay off all their subscriptions, while enrolling in debt and not keeping any of it, not owning anything. Then, just right at the end of the video it said something alone the lines: “Everything is there on demand, it’s all accessible.

Different Spaces

I was reading through the comments from a 2003 David Foster Wallace’s interview and one of them captured something quite interesting, here it goes: @NASkeywest - 3 years ago I am nowhere nearly as intelligent as DFW but I can feel and relate to him so much on an emotional level. His mannerisms, the way he seems to cringe at his own thoughts, the way he tries to gauge the room for others opinions or thoughts.

In Silence

There are a certain number of unexpected moments that seems to haunt you, whenever you feel the most vulnerable. I had just watched an unseemingly 1m58s Youtube video that incredibly hit me like a brick being tossed right into my stomach. “Did People Used to Just Sit in Silence?” was the title and one comment that struck me the most was the following: I lost a very important friendship around 2 years ago.

The Other

The hardship of connections, or thus has that ever hit you in any way? Probably being together with family members in such a Christmas party or some other occasion and not feeling really there, or that the conversations lack any kind of meaningful objective. It seems like as we grow older these tendencies tend to solidify, and I wonder if that is because maybe we’ve lost our naive sense of the world, as when we were children and expected the adults to know what is going on.

Some Thoughts

This one took way too long. Be it procrastination, working too many hours or the like, in the end maybe it was more just an excuse to not devote time for a personal project of mine. Reasons? Just a few, honestly, but mostly due to the lack of disposition of interacting with people nowadays. Not that I haven’t tried, believe me. I have, and lots of times just outright failed at it so then, what were some of the last resorts that I had in order to express my toughts?